Gohan @ 21:59 pst - New Section
I have added a new section about who reaches what stages
and how they reach it. This is in the Super Saiyans Section.
February 19 - I changed the frame and added some titles to each page.
- Trunks
February 12 - I added a new banner at the top and I think it looks pretty good.
- Trunks
Feburary 10 - We added the sound section. Soon we will have a links and super saiyans section up.
- Gohan
February 4 - We didn't like the old layout so we changed it. The new layout isn't completely finished so we're not going to upload it yet. I have added more animations.
- Trunks
January 14 - It took a long time, but now it's done. We decided to have 3 different layouts with or without music. Now our website can be viewed in both Internet Explorer and Netscape.
- Trunks and Gohan
January 12 - The link me section is now up. Trunks made a really cool animated banner for out site. Please add our link to your site. This means that we will link you up too. Just e-mail us at ssjkids@dbzmail.com.
- Gohan
January 10 - I have just added a hit counter to the navagation page.
- Gohan
January 8 - Changed the frame. I hope you like it more than the other one. I also did the top ten really quickly so it looks bad. Well at least it's one step closer to completing the page. I think I might quickly finish the rest too.
- Trunks
January 6 - The animations for the show have been changed so you don't have to scroll left and right to see all of the animations. Each page will now also load faster.
- Trunks
January 5 - The profile section has now been loaded up. I have only done the Saiyan Section of the profiles. When I have time, I will finish up all the rest of the Profiles. More sections will be added later...
- Gohan
January 4 - We now have the Power Levels and Fusions sections up. Now we have ssjkids.8m mail up. Please join!!! Soon we will have the Music Videos available to the public. They are completed. We just have to upload them onto another server.
- Gohan
December 30 - The DBZ rom section is now completed. There are some links broken on the navigation bar. That will soon be fixed once the site is completed.
- Gohan
December 29 - The animations section is done and the music video's are half way done, we just have to load them up. The images section has been completed. We have the images of 8 characters so far. The music is also done and I think it looks pretty good. Next we'll work on the dbz roms, the trivia and the sounds.
- Trunks
December 16 - Finished Gohan's images, made two music videos so far. One plays to the song Stronger by Brittney Spears and the other is Sandstorm by Darude. They both involve the scenes with Trunks VS Freiza.
- Trunks
December 8 - Started the page, so far the images for Trunks is done and half of Gohans.
- Trunks