1. Grab a calculator
2. Add your weight in lbs.,
height in inches, how much you can bench press in lbs., and your age
3. Divide that number by 40.
4. Round the number off to the
nearest one. Ex. I get 6.789 I would round it to 7
5. And there you have your power
level. Ex. I got 6.789 so I rounded it to 7 and there's my power
level. I am power level 7.
6. To find out how much your
power level is when you are angry take half of your total power
level in my case I would divide 7 by 2 and I would get 3.5.
7. Round your divided power level
to the nearest one. Ex. I got 3.5 so I would round it to 4.
8. Then I would add 4 to my total
power level in my case I would add 4 to 7 and then I would find out
that when I am angry my power level is 11.
9. When you are sleeping your
power level is 1.
10. When you are really tired
your power level is half of your total power level. Ex. I would
divide 7 by 2 and then round my answer to the nearest 1. So when I
am really tired my power level is 4.
and there you have your power